Gujarat has added a new must-visit-destination under its wing and that is Statue of Unity. The statue, dedicated to Indian Statesman and Independence activist Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, is also the tallest statue in the world. The height of the statue is 182 metres and 600 feet approx. It was designed by Indian sculptor Ram V. Sutar and was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 31st October 2018 to mark Patel’s 143rd birth anniversary. The statue is located on the river island named Sandhu Bet facing Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada riverbed. It is twice the size of the iconic Statue of Liberty New York and five times taller than the Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. It surpasses the height of Buddha statue at the Spring Temple Buddha, China, which previously held the crown as the tallest statue in the world. It also made another record to build in shortest period of time as it took only 33 months to construct and used around 109 tonnes of iron. The timing...